보팔참사와 2012 런던올림픽

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보팔참사와 2012 런던올림픽

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1984년 인도 보팔참사를 일으킨 미국의 농약회사 유니언카바이드(Union Carbide) 회사는 2011년 역시 미국의 화학회사인 다우케미칼(Dow Chemical)에 인수합병되었습니다. 따라서 보팔참사의 피해와 정화책임은 다우케미칼에 있습니다. 그동안 다우케미칼은 보팔참사의 피해보상과 정화책임을 회피하고 외면해왔습니다. 내년 2012년 7월 열리는 올림픽은 영국 런던에서 열립니다. 이 런던올림픽의 메인 스폰서가 다우케미칼과 한국의 삼성입니다.

보팔현지의 피해자들과 운동가들 그리고 세계각국의 환경운동가들은 런던올림픽조직위원회에 다우케미칼의 보팔참사책임회피에 대해 문제를 지적하며 스폰서지정을 취소하라고 요구하고 있습니다. 아래는 런던올림픽 주경기장 건립비용을 지원하고 있는 다우케미칼을 비판하는 이미지이고 보팔참사피해자들과 환경운동가들이 올림픽관계자들에게 전하는 미시지입니다.

한국의 삼성도 스폰서인데 삼성전자에서 일하던 노동자 수십명이 백혈병과 같은 암에 걸려 죽어가고 있지만 산업재해 인정을 하지 않고 있습니다. 또 삼성그룹 소속의 삼성중공업은 2007년 12월7일 (오늘이네요) 태안앞바다에서 사상 초유의 기름유출사고를 저질렀지만 피해보상을 제대로 하지 않고 있습니다. 다우케미칼과 마찬가지로 국제적인 비판이 필요한 부분입니다.




Mesage from Bhopal Survivors to the Olympians

Posted on September 5, 2011 by curator

Dear Olympians:

We are organisations working among the survivors of the 1984 gas disaster. We are writing to seek your help in urging the International Olympic Committee to dissociate itself with The Dow Chemical Company – one of the key sponsors of the Olympics, including the 2012 London Olympics. Dow and its subsidiary Union Carbide Corporation have refused to own up to their liabilities in rehabilitating gas victims and cleaning up the toxic contamination left behind in the Bhopal site. More than 150,000 gas victims are chronically ill, and 50,000 or so are too sick to even work for a living. Till date, more than 25000 have died as a result of exposure to the poison gases. The toxic wastes that lie strewn in and around the factory has leaked its poisons into the groundwater. More than 25,000 people have consumed this toxic groundwater for years, and there are serious health effects among these communities.

Both companies have refused to submit themselves to the jurisdiction of Indian courts on various matters relating to the disaster and other environmental fallouts. Union Carbide has even been declared a fugitive from justice by the Indian courts. Dow and Union Carbide are directly responsible for the massive human tragedy that continues to unfold in Bhopal. Children of gas affected parents, and those of parents consuming contaminated water have severe and debilitating birth defects. The Olympic organisers could not have chosen a worse partner than Dow. The partnership goes against the spirit of the Olympic games, and violates its commitment to justice, peace and environmental sustainability.

We request you to take a moment to read and Endorse this Petition which will be sent to the Olympic organisers and other concerned people.

To read the letter and petition in Hindi, click here

You can email your endorsements to justiceinbhopal@yahoo.co.in or you can post them at : ICJB, 44 Sant Kanwar Ram Nagar, Berasia Road, Bhopal, MP-462001; Contact: 9826167369

Thank you.

Rashida Bi,Bhopal Gas Peedit Mahila Stationery Karmchari Sangh

Nawab Khan,Bhopal Gas Peedit Mahila Purush Sangharsh Morcha

Balkrishna Namdeo,Bhopal Gas Peedit Nirashrit Pension Bhogi Sangharsh Morcha

Satinath Sarangi, Rachna Dhingra,Bhopal Group for Information and Action

Safreen KhanChildren Against Dow Carbide

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