(경향신문) “LG화학은 인도참사 피해자에 대해 책임져라”···아시아 곳곳서 ‘무책임한 LG화학’ 규탄 움직임
“참사로부터 4년이 지났지만 피해자들을 위한 ‘정의’는 전혀 실현되지 않았습니다. LG화학은 인도 참사에 대해 책임을 져야 합니다.”
23명의 목숨을 빼앗아간 LG화학 인도참사로부터 4년이 지난 7일 인도 현지는 물론 한국과 아시아 곳곳에서는 참사 피해자에 대해 무책임한 태도로 일관하고 있는 LG화학을 규탄하는 기자회견과 LG 광고판이나 제품 앞에서 ‘환경정의’를 요구하는 내용의 국제 공동캠페인이 벌어졌다. 캠페인 참가자들은 희생자들을 추모하는 동시에 LG화학 측이 피해자들에게 배·보상할 것을 요구했다.
아시아직업환경피해자권리네트워크(ANROEV)에 소속된 아시아 시민단체들은 LG화학 인도참사 4주기인 이날 동시다발적으로 각국의 LG제품 광고판 앞에서 국제 캠페인을 벌였다. 캠페인이 진행된 곳은 필리핀, 베트남, 태국, 홍콩, 인도네시아, 네팔, 방글라데시, 인도, 파키스탄, 스리랑카, 몰디브 등이다.
2020년 5월7일 새벽 인도 남동부 안드라프라데시주 비샤카파트남 공장에서는 LG화학 지사인 LG폴리머스인디아 측의 안전관리 미흡으로 발암물질이자 독성물질인 스티렌 818t이 누출되는 사고가 벌어졌다. 당일 목숨을 잃은 이는 12명에 달했고, 이후 사망자는 현재까지 총 23명으로 집계됐다. 참사 당일 약 500명이 병원에 입원했고, 2만명이 가스에 노출됐다. 스티렌 가스는 세계보건기구(WHO) 산하 국제암연구소(IARC)가 지정한 2A군 발암물질이다.
환경단체들은 참사 이후 LG화학은 소송이 진행되고 있음을 핑계로 단 한 명에게도 배보상을 하지 않았다고 비판했다. 게다가 대규모 참사가 벌어졌음에도 LG화학 본사의 환경, 대외협력 담당 임원들은 현지조사조차 실시하지 않았다. 환경보건시민센터는 “2020년 사고 당시 본사 책임자인 신학철 부회장이 인도 현지로 가서 사고수습을 하겠다고 발표했지만 실제로는 가지 않았다”고 지적했다.
게다가 참사 뒤 LG화학 측은 해당 공장을 폐쇄하고 안드라 프라데시주 내의 다른 지역으로 공장을 옮겨 올해 초부터 가동 중이다. 현재 인도에서는 이 참사와 관련해 5개의 민, 형사 소송이 진행 중이다.
참사 당일 사망한 이들 외에 11명이 추가로 사망한 사실은 환경보건시민센터와 아시아직업환경피해자권리네트워크(ANROEV)가 지난해 5월 현지를 찾아 61가구 253명에 대한 건강피해조사를 실시하면서 확인됐다.
인도 현지에서는 이날 저녁 피해지역과 LG화학 인도공장 앞에서 피해자와 인근 주민, 환경단체 활동가 등이 참여하는 ‘희생자 추모 및 LG화학 책임촉구 촛불 시위’가 열렸다.
한국에서도 서울 종로구 LG광화문빌딩 앞을 비롯해 전국 곳곳에서 50여개 환경단체들이 피해자들을 추모하고, LG화학이 책임을 다할 것을 촉구하는 기자회견과 캠페인이 벌어졌다. 환경보건시민센터는 “살아남은 주민들은 호흡기 질환과 피부 질환, 외상후스트레스장애(PTSD) 등 심각한 만성질환에 고통받고 있지만 LG 측은 인도 법정의 소송 결과가 나와야 대응하겠다는 무책임한 태도를 보이고 있다”고 지적했다.
“LG Chem must take responsibility for the victims of the Indian tragedy”... Movements across Asia to condemn ‘irresponsible LG Chem’
“Four years have passed since the disaster, but ‘justice’ for the victims has not been realized at all. LG Chem must take responsibility for the tragedy in India.”
On the 7th, four years after the LG Chemical disaster in India that took the lives of 23 people, not only in India, but also in Korea and other parts of Asia, there were press conferences condemning LG Chemical for its consistent irresponsible attitude toward the victims of the disaster, and 'screams' were held in front of LG billboards and products. An international joint campaign demanding 'environmental justice' was launched. Campaign participants commemorated the victims and demanded that LG Chem compensate and compensate the victims.
Asian civic groups affiliated with the Asian Network for the Rights of Victims of Occupational Environments (ANROEV) simultaneously held an international campaign in front of LG product billboards in each country on the 4th anniversary of the LG Chemical disaster in India. Places where the campaign was carried out include the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives.
In the early morning of May 7, 2020, an accident occurred at the Vishakhapatnam plant in Andhra Pradesh, southeastern India, where 818 tons of styrene, a carcinogen and toxic substance, leaked due to insufficient safety management by LG Polymers India, a branch of LG Chem. The number of people who lost their lives that day reached 12, and the total number of deaths since then was 23. On the day of the disaster, approximately 500 people were hospitalized, and 20,000 people were exposed to the gas. Styrene gas is a Group 2A carcinogen designated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) under the World Health Organization (WHO).

On May 7, 2020, four years ago, a child living in Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India, where a disaster occurred due to a toxic chemical leak, said on the 7th, 'LG Chemical India gas leak on May 7', '4 years, justice They are standing holding banners with phrases such as ‘There is no’ and ‘We remember.’ On this day, an international joint campaign condemning LG Chem's irresponsibility was held not only in India and Korea, but also throughout Asia. Provided by Environmental Health Citizen Center.
Environmental groups criticized LG Chem for not providing compensation to a single person after the disaster, using the excuse that a lawsuit was in progress. Moreover, even though a large-scale disaster occurred, executives in charge of environment and external cooperation at LG Chem headquarters did not even conduct an on-site investigation. The Citizens’ Center for Environmental Health pointed out, “At the time of the 2020 accident, Vice Chairman Shin Hak-cheol, the person in charge of the headquarters, announced that he would go to India to resolve the accident, but he did not actually go.”
In addition, after the disaster, LG Chem closed the factory and moved the factory to another area in Andhra Pradesh, where it has been operating since early this year. Currently, five civil and criminal lawsuits related to this tragedy are underway in India.
The fact that 11 additional people died in addition to those who died on the day of the disaster was confirmed when the Citizens' Center for Environmental Health and the Asian Network for the Rights of Occupational and Environmental Victims (ANROEV) visited the site in May last year and conducted a health damage survey on 253 people from 61 households.
In India, a 'candlelight protest to commemorate the victims and demand responsibility for LG Chemical' was held in the affected area and in front of LG Chem's Indian plant this evening, with the participation of victims, nearby residents, and environmental group activists.
In Korea, about 50 environmental groups held press conferences and campaigns throughout the country, including in front of the LG Gwanghwamun Building in Jongno-gu, Seoul, to commemorate the victims and urge LG Chem to fulfill its responsibilities. The Citizens’ Center for Environmental Health pointed out, “The surviving residents are suffering from serious chronic diseases such as respiratory diseases, skin diseases, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but LG is showing an irresponsible attitude by saying that they will only respond after the outcome of the lawsuit in the Indian court.” .