[가습기살균제 피해 영국항의방문단] 런던활동 마지막날 사진보고

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[가습기살균제 피해 영국항의방문단] 런던활동 마지막날 사진보고

임흥규 0 7745

3rd Photo report of victim’s protest in London

가습기살균제 피해자들의 옥시본사 레킷벤키저 런던항의활동 마지막날 사진보고


2015 5 23

환경보건시민센터 최예용 yeyong choi


Victims cancelled the schedule in front of Westminster in the afternoon of May 22nd, instead kept on protesting in front of UK killer company Reckitt Benckiser(RB) in Slough, Berkshire, United Kingdom. This change came out right after coming out of the last meeting with RB people in the morning. It was such a disappointing response of RB about victim’s request. No apology, no promise of resolution but simple personal sympathy. Mr Changsoo Maeng tore up the paper RB prepared and shouting “I’m not here to get this meaningless paper. I’m going to suit you HQ of RB to the British legal court for your accountability”. Here are some photos of the last day campaign in front of HQ of RB. There has been lots of local people’s supports.

항의방문단의 일원인 맹창수씨는 마지막 날 오전에 옥시본사(RB) 측이 준비한 서한에 아무런 사과나 책임있는 답변이 없는 걸 보고 그 자리에서 찢어버리며 영국법원에 제소하여 응분의 벌을 받도록 하겠다고 말하며 자리를 나와버렸다. 이후 항의단은 오후의 의사당앞 시위를 취소하고 슬라우의 RB앞에서 밤 늦도록 항의시위를 전개했다.    


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<Photo; Mourning the 100 deaths program with candle by victim group of humidifier disinfectant in front of HQ office of RK in Slough, UK.>



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<Narae Kang, 8 year old lung patient, at a protesting tent in front of advertising plate of HQ building of RK in Slough, Berkshire, UK. She is one of many lung injury children patients after using Cefu’s humidifier disinfectant imported from Denmark> 



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<One of main messages Korean victims want to deliver to the British and global consumers of RB products is to do safety check of all RB’s products not to repeat the tragedy happened in Korea> 



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<Chanho Kang, a representative of victim group, protests with showing a drawing of hospitalized baby at critical intensive care center but failed to be survived.>



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<Victims are preparing the candle program for the last program in Slough, May 23rd, 2015>



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<Mourning pray for the child passed away with candle in front of HQ of RB in Slough, UK>   



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