[기자회견 및 피해증언] 체르노빌 핵참사 38년, 생존피해자 올가의 이야기를 듣습니다.

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[기자회견 및 피해증언] 체르노빌 핵참사 38년, 생존피해자 올가의 이야기를 듣습니다.

관리자 0 1911

2024년 4월25일 오후3시 온라인 기자회견 및 피해생존자 증언 안내 

1986년 4월26일 발생한 체르노빌 핵참사 발생 38주기를 맞아, 우크라이나 국립핵연구소에서 근무했고 핵참사 1년뒤인 1987년 체르노빌 핵사고지역에서 33일간 방제작업에 투입되었다가 방사능 장애진단과 2020년 유방암 수술을 받아야 했던 올가 콜로미예츠의 이야기를 온라인으로 듣습니다. 

그녀는 어떤 삶을 살아왔을까요? 그녀와 함께 체르노빌 방제작업에 투입되었던 동료들을 어떻게 되었을까요? 체르노빌 핵참사가 우리에게 준 메시지는 무엇이었을까요? 지난주 4월19일부터 다시 시작된 일본 후쿠시마 핵오염수 태평양 해양투기를 지켜보며 착찹한 마음으로 올가와 이야기를 나누는 시간을 갖습니다. 그녀의 우크라이나어 증언을 세계보건기구에 근무하는 그녀의 딸이 영어통역합니다. 그녀의 증언내용을 정리해 한글로 추가 보도자료를 냅니다. 

세계보건기구에(WHO) 오랫동안 근무했던 김록호 박사도 참여해 질문하고, 마무리 코멘트를 합니다(현재 독일 거주). 

아래 포스터의 QR코드를 이용해도 되고 아래 줌링크로 들어와도 됩니다. 


Online press conference and survivor testimony information on April 25, 2024 at 3:00 PM (Korea time, 8AM Swiss time)

To mark the 38th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster that occurred on April 26, 1986, we hear testimonies from surviving Chernobyl victims. We listen online to the story of Olga Kolomiyets, who worked at the National Nuclear Research Institute of Ukraine and was deployed to the Chernobyl nuclear accident site in 1987, one year after the nuclear disaster, for 33 days in decontamination work. She was diagnosed with radioactivity disorder and had to undergo surgery for breast cancer in 2020.

What kind of life has she lived? What happened to her colleagues who worked with her on the Chernobyl cleanup effort? What message did the Chernobyl nuclear disaster give us? While watching the dumping of nuclear contaminated water from Japan's Fukushima in the Pacific Ocean, which began again on April 19th last week, I took the time to talk with Olga with mixed feelings. Her Ukrainian testimony is translated into English by her daughter, who works for the World Health Organization.

Dr. Rok-Ho Kim, who worked at the World Health Organization (WHO) for a long time, also participated to ask questions and make closing comments (currently living in Germany). 

You can use the QR code on the poster below or use the zoom link below.



      Chernobyl in Ukraine is Chornobyl which means black soil in other worlds nutritious, Fukushima means in Japanese and Chinese character “land with food luck”, but these 2 places are…   

      Did you watch the TV mini series film titled Chernobyl made in 2019, HBO released? 

A       Is it realistic or not? 

B        There are these “radiation is just like X-ray”, “uranium is like bullet penetrating everything” which is correct?  

      How’s about the situation in general on Chernobyl

A       Completely ignored, no one interest? 

B        What’s the official record of the victims? Actually?

C        in Ukraine?

D       In Europe?  

      Introduction of personal history 

A       Where and when born in?

B        Are there any relations, Chernobyl victims? 

      Work history 

A       What’s major? 

B        What’s position and job in detail at the national nuclear institute? 

      Chernobyl work experience

A       What did there exactly?

B        Order? Volunteer? How many people? 

C        Any objection? 

D       Conditions personal protective gears? 

a        Commute everyday or stay there inside       

b        What’s about food, water? 

E        What’s about others?

F        Regret? If situation came again, what if? 

G       Any photo or video related? 

      After Chernobyl experience what happened? 

A       Before breast cancer 

B        After breast cancer 

C        Official case? 

D       Any occupational insurance? 

E        Any financial support?

F        Any worrisome of family members effect particularly children 

      Personal opinion 

A       As nuclear scientist for life but as a victim of Chernobyl now, what do you think this situation? 

B        About nuclear power generation and reactors? Pros or cons

a        Before and after Chernobyl

b        Before and after breast cancer

C        About the argument that nuclear can be an alternative of global warming or climate crisis? 

D       Germany is only country to stop nuclear power since 2023 August. 

a        What do you think on this? 

b        How about Ukraine? 

E        Japanese Fukushima issue? 

a        Particularly on the issue of ocean dumping of the contaminated water? 

F        If possible, are you willing to speak about your experience and try to join anti-nuclear voice publicly? 

      About the black tourism? 

A       I, choiyeyong, have been Chernobyl in 1994 for one day and 2011 Fukushima for 4 days, and 2014 I got cataract surgery both eyes, 1 Japanese and 2 Korean of 6 who went to Fukushima, in 2015 a Japanese activist got leukemia, a Korean activist got thyroid problem 

B        What do you think?  

      Have you read a novel “Baba Dunjas letzte Liebe” written by Alina Bronsky?

A       The author is a Novel prize winter. 

B        The novel means Baba Dunjas’s last love in English, but in Korea title is completely different meaning “All the women in the world go to Chernobo” 

      Any comments to whom remember Chernobyl anniversary? 

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