2013 Rachel LEE Jung-Lim Memorial Award

Asian Citizen's Center for Environment and Health

2013 Rachel LEE Jung-Lim Memorial Award

관리자 0 5844

2014년 1월1일에 영국에 사는 로리 카잔 알렌으로부터 레이첼환경상 감사패를 잘 받았다며 사진과 함께 감사의 이멜 메시지가 왔습니다.


Dear Friends,


A great way to start the New Year! My neighbour brought me a parcel which had been delivered to her house yesterday when I was out.


The parcel contained the plaque which our Korean colleagues had sent me to certify that I was the 2013 recipient of the Rachel Lee award. I am attaching the photo Dave took to show me with the award. I would, once again, like to thank all our colleagues on the global ban asbestos network for recognizing the efforts of IBAS in our joint campaign to eradicate the deadly use of asbestos around the world.


With my very best wishes to you all for the coming year.



석면암피해자로서 지구촌 석면추방운동에 앞장서다 스러진 고 이정림 선생을 기리는 [레이첼이정림환경상] 2013년도 수상자 선정에 관한 영문내용입니다. www,ibasecretariat.org 국제석면추방사무국 홈페이지에 게재된 소식입니다.








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