20170714-15 International Asbestos Conference in Tokyo

Asian Citizen's Center for Environment and Health

20170714-15 International Asbestos Conference in Tokyo

최예용 0 5667

30th Anniversary Event of Ban Asbestos Network Japan

International Asbestos Conference towards a Ban on Asbestos in Asia and the World

and 29th Annual Meeting of BANJAN



July 15, 2017

Kuramae Hall, Tokyo Tech Front, Tokyo Institute of Technology

2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550 Japan




10:00      Opening Remark by Mr. Satoru TAKYU (ZENKENZOREN)


10:15     Part 1: International Symposium

               Facilitator: Mr. Sugio FURUYA (BANJAN Coordinator)


10:15     Ms. Kate Lee

               Executive Officer, Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA, Australia

               "Visions and actions of APHEDA (in particular in Mekong countries and the recent developments in Australia)"


10:45     Ms. Wulandari Sri

               Regional Education Officer, Asia & Pacific Regional Office (Malaysia), Building and Wood Worker's International (BWI)

               "Visions and actions of BWI (in particular in South East Asian countries)"


11:05     Ms. Omana George

               Programme Coordinator for Occupational and Environmental Health, Asia Monitor Resource Centre, Hong Kong

               "Visions and actions of AMRC (in particular in South Asian countries)"


11:25     Mr. Yeong Choi

               Director, Ban Asbestos Network of Korea (BANKO), Korea

               "Visions and actions of BANKO in Korea"


11:45     Mr. Sanjiv Pandita

               Representive, Decent Work Asia (Hong Kong), Solidar Suisse, Switzerland

               "Report from 8th Conference of Parties of Rotterdam Convention"


12:05     Ms. Laurie Kazan-Allen

               Coordinator, International Ban Asbestos Secretariat (IBAS), UK

               "Visions and actions of IBAS (in the world)"


12:25     Lunch



13:30     Panel Discussion

14:15     End of Part 1


14:15     Part 2: Developments and Challenges in Japan



14:15     “The current situation of the Construction Workers Asbestos Litigation” (tentative)

               Mr. Kohei MATSUDA, Lawyers team for the Construction Workers Asbestos Litigation

14:35     “Towards establishing comprehensive measures to tackle various aspects of asbestos issues” (tentative)

               Prof. Takehiko MURAYAMA, Tokyo Institute of Technology                    

14:55     Q&A, discussion

15:15     Rest


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